The backpacker might not know their next destination while at home but they have some holidays coming up and need a destination! Their friends are less nomadic, so what is the solution for tour inspiration when its cold dark outside?
What makes you want to tour somewhere? Is it a suggestion from a friend who went there last year. Or was it a photo that you saw somewhere. A film perhaps. For my own inspiration it has often been the suggestion from fellow backpackers that I come to trust to know what I like as we often like the same things.
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It could be a certain sport that you do that is great performed in a more suitable location for example Scuba Diving in the Caribbean is great than in your home area. Or you might like to ride horses up the side of the mountain in Chiapas in Mexico.
What do you look for in a destination? maybe like me when you got your hands on a lonely planet from the library you first check the night-life. You don't want to end up somewhere boring after all! So that's something that communal sites can supply for people. We want to be that coffee table chat in the youth hostel or the breakfast bar. Where nomads - backpackers collide but online in a communal networking context.
Part of the fun of tour is meeting new habitancy who like travel. If your in the tour business you will roughly beyond doubt be advertising on the internet but if your extent of your website is a digital version of your brochure your doing it wrong.
Your internet nearnessy should be partly your own site but mostly you will be hard at work marketing on other websites such as Facebook or Twitter and in the tour business 'landed at'. Your portfolio of communal networking sites becomes the online real estate you use often in addition to updating your own site with news.
You should have the following tools ready to you within this communal Network Site
Rss feed enabled profiles - so you have an Rss feed of your hotels or tours or just news right? This can be fed into your communal networking portfolio so updates on your own site go into the Rss article on your site and it updates automated in the communal network site.
Reviews - your buyer should be able to quote your services and you should encourage them to do this.
Network with other members - Add friends and some competitors as you will see what they are doing. The best salesmen just chat about their products not push them.
Videos and Photos - nothing sells a tour like energizing and entertaining photos and videos. Along with reviews tagging photos of past customers in photos will validate the reviews they have written. If you don't have past customers on the communal site ask them and they will enjoy the benefits too.
Don't write too much - give sufficient information just to whet the appetite, the photos and videos are more important.
Share your profile pic on Facebook and Twitter - also share a link to these sites from your home page showing how networked your company is.
Being on trip advisor is not enough! Be there but don't be a part of the crowd in a sea of competitors where is the dynamic energy you will get from a great video or photos tagged with satisfied customers.
You can deep link and share as much as you like.
Facebook has a limitation of being to personal mixing with your business.
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