
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Coolest Places To Visit In Europe

Beautiful, awe-inspiring, fragile, exhilarating, calm, fun, mythological, a gourmet's delight, historically important, culturally rich and involved are some of the words that can be used to enumerate Europe. That is because Europe does not just have a involved geography, it carries with it a rich, mythological and glorious cultural past. All of the traveler places to visit in Europe sport one or more of the aforementioned characteristics.

Many travelers to Europe often stick to the beaten path and hang around their popular places of interest. Here are a few cool, offbeat places to visit in Europe, places that are guaranteed to break the monotony.

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Delphi, Greece

Delphi is guaranteed to leave you awe-struck and spellbound. It is an archaeological site in Greece which, in the 8th Century Bc, was home to the Delphic Oracle, a religious convention preeminent for the worship of the God Apollo. The Priestess Pythia presided over the Oracle at Delphi and it is said she delivered her dictums in a state of frenzy, often speaking garble which was then given meaning and shaped as prophecy. Geologists now say that it was ethylene gas from the ground that hallucinated Pythia. Delphi is an antique and mysterious land that was once considered to be at the town of the earth and it assuredly should find mention on your must-visit list.

Soak in its glory, relive our antique past and after you have had enough, you have the whole of gorgeous Greece to explore!

Castle Toblino, Northern Italy

Castle Tolbino is something right out of storybook fables. Situated adjacent to the small, gorgeous Lake Toblino and nestled in a very deep valley surrounded by the Dolomite cliffs, Castle Tolbino was built in pre-medieval times and renovated in the 16th century. Foggy mists envelop it creating an atmosphere that is both romantic and haunting. In fact, there are many tragic stories of forbidden love, betrayal, murder and lust that are still talked about in hushed tones. Castle Toblino is one of the top, offbeat places to visit in Europe and a place that will make you lose yourself in time.

Dachau attention Camp, Germany

This is a sobering and serious trip that is quite out of the ordinary. Placed about 30 miles from Munich, the Dachau attention Camp jolts you out of your reverie and transports you back in time, back to the dreaded days of the holocaust.

The Dachau attention Camp has one main building, at one time home to German soldiers, now converted into a holocaust museum. Then there is the eerie "bath crematorium, a cold, frightening building where the mass murders were carried out by the Nazis. The prisoners were locked in small shower rooms, where the low-hung shower faucets spewed Cyclon-B gas on them. The Germans dispute the usage of Cyclon-B gas so the truth will never be known, but the Dachau attention Camp is still one of the eeriest places to visit in Europe.

Northern Alsace Wine Road, France

The Northern Alsace Wine Road is a lesser-known traveler destination, but assuredly one of the must-see places to visit in Europe. It cuts through dense forests, picturesque villages and through the plains of the Rhine River. And here comes the news that all lovers of wine want to know - the road is dotted with vineyards where the winegrowers yield the sparkling Cremant and Tokay Pinot wine varieties!

Let us pause to salivate.

Now you are ready to go ahead and voyage down the Northern Alsace Wine Road, stopping at quaint village Inns and feasting on their preeminent meatballs, fish stew, the beer sausages and brioches, the black chestnut pudding, and, of course, the heavenly wine. And when you have had sufficient food, stop by and visit the Gothic religious structures that are found in abundance. Amen!

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania

Spread over an area of 3450 quadrilateral km, the Danube Delta Biosphere reserve is a fairy tale land come alive! This weighty geological and biological wonder is home to some of the most unique species in the world. It hosts 1,200 varieties of plants, 300 species of birds and 45 types of freshwater fish. To top it all off it is Placed in the area where the Danube River flows into the Black Sea.

Lush green, rich in flora and fauna, unique species, protected ecosphere, inhabitants who voyage in kayaks, vine-covered trees in thick forests and an exotic locale make the Danube Delta Biosphere reserve a fairy tale land come alive in all its splendor. Indeed, this Unesco World inheritance Site is one of the best places to visit in Europe!

These were some of the coolest offbeat places to visit in Europe. Bon Voyage! Have a great time.

Coolest Places To Visit In Europe

See Also : todays world news headlines


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